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Events and Discussions


By 25 February, 2019July 15th, 2020No Comments

The creative and experiential laboratory has the experiment as a particularity: theatrical, bodily arts and non-formal activities combine with humanist themes and non-violent approaches. Through theatrical workshops that will allow to create synergy and complicity in the group, daily issues will be addressed in order to reflect on common themes, but very often underestimated. The intent of the project is precisely to awaken one’s sensitivity, release the tensions that accumulate daily and challenge oneself through play and theater. The goal is to share a path built together, where you have fun, develop an atmosphere of trust, play and exchange and where not feeling judged allows you to overcome personal barriers and express yourself freely.

The laboratory will be held from March to June, twice a month (apart from May which includes three appointments) with a total of 9 meetings, on Friday from 20:30 to 22:30 (one and a half hours of theater / creative workshop and 30 minutes of readings, reflections and dialogues).

Energy Association for Human Rights
Via dei Latini 12/14 (San Lorenzo – Rome)

– Friday 15 March: Workshop presentation – Group knowledge (20: 30-22: 30)
– Friday 22 March (20: 30-22: 30)
– Friday 5 and 12 April (20: 30-22: 30)
– Friday 3.17 and 31 May (20: 30-22: 30)
– Friday 14 June (20: 30-22: 30)
– Friday 21 June: End of Workshop – Outdoor meeting (day to be agreed with participants by time and place)

Memi Lonoce, conductor of the creative workshops
Luciano Elmi, conductor of humanist debates and reflections

+39 338 2463778 (Memi Lonoce)
+39 338 5465100 (Luciano Elmi)

Registrations are limited to 12 places and the workshop provides a contribution towards expenses of € 30.

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