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By 20 September, 2017July 19th, 2020No Comments

The construction of the Bandoulou school is proceeding briskly!ย We plan to finish everything in time for the inauguration, scheduled for 28 October.ย Bandoulou is a Senegalese village of about 1400 inhabitants, located in the Kaolack region, about 200 km south of Dakar, not far from the Gambia border.

In 2006 Energia per i Human Rights Onlus created a nursery school in the village, to improve the rate of school participation of children from the first years of life and to make up for the scarce diffusion of the public kindergarten.

However, the structure that houses the nursery school has become too small to contain all the children who would like to participate.

The projectย ย “Luisa Lorena Caputo School: a new school for Bandoulou”, promoted by Energy for Human Rights with the support of the architectural firm Babel, wants to start from the structure already in place to create a safe environment, where children can learn while playing and having fun.ย All in a functional, colorful space, attentive to the needs of the youngest and quite capacious, with indoor and outdoor spaces, in order to respond to any need.

The project has already received the support of the municipality of Massa Lubrense (NA), the comprehensive institute Bozzaotra (Massa Lubrense) and the citizens of Nerano and Sorrento: the school will in fact take the name of the little Luisa Lorena Caputo, a young citizen of Massa Lubrense carried away at the age of 12 by a fulminant form of Leukemia.

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