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Events and DiscussionsVolunteer


By 5 February, 2018July 17th, 2020No Comments

A path through human rights, international solidarity, nonviolence education, sustainable development, multiculturalism and the discovery of the Universal Human Nation.

Registration is now open for the  34th Volunteer Training Course  organized by  Energy for Human Rights ONLUS , aimed at training volunteers in the field of international cooperation.
The first meeting will be held  on Thursday 1st March at 8.00 pm  at the headquarters of the association in via degli Equi 45 (Rome).

Course presentation:
Thursday 01/03/17 20.00-23.00
(Energy for Human Rights, via degli Equi 45)
– Welcome drink , presentation of the association and course program.

1. Thursday 08/03/17 20.00-23.00
(Energy for Human Rights, via degli Equi 45)
– Subjects and dynamics of cooperation
– Lights and shadows of international cooperation. Online action as a prerequisite for social development.
Speakers: Luciano Carrino, Veronica Boggini.

2. Thursday 15/03/17 20.00-23.00
(House of participation, via dei Sabelli 88a)
– The human development projects of the association in Senegal, Gambia, India and Italy
– Colonial dynamics
– History and culture of Senegambia
Speakers: Alessandro Volterra, Edoardo Calizza, Marco Inglessis.

3. Sunday 18/03/17 10.00-20.00 (*)
Personal work on relaxation techniques, recognition of one’s virtues and their application in actions towards others.

4. Thursday 22/03/17 20.00-23.00
(House of participation, via dei Sabelli 88a)
– Volunteers for a humanist and nonviolent education.
Speakers: Education Team

5. Thursday 29/03/17 20.00-23.00
(House of participation, via dei Sabelli 88a)
– Culture as an instrument of personal and social transformation.
– Storytelling and nonviolence with “Accentrica”
Speakers: Equipe Cultura, “Accentrica”.

6. Thursday 12/04/17 20: 00-23: 00
(House of participation, via dei Sabelli 88a)
– Planet earth: in harmony with the earth guaranteeing access to water and food resources for all human beings
Speakers: Team Environment

7. Thursday 19/04/17 20.00-23.00
(House of participation, via dei Sabelli 88a)
– Economy and common goods
– Fund raising and self-financing in human development projects
Speakers: Francesco Rullani, Veronica Boggini.

8.  Saturday-Sunday 21-22 / 04/18 10.00-20.00 (*)
– The methodology of nonviolent action
– The interpersonal relationship and the recognition of the other as the basis for human development actions
– Cooperating in cultural diversity
– Human rights childhood, health and education in Senegal
– School and health support projects in Senegal, Gambia and India

9. Thursday 03/05/17 20.00-23.00
(House of participation, via dei Sabelli 88a)
– Cycle of a project: from theory to practice
– Reception and integration of Migrants in Italy
Speakers: Edoardo Calizza, Elisa Onorati.

10.  Saturday-Sunday 5-6 / 05/18 10.00-20.00 (*)
– Internal consistency and valid action
– Insights into the projects with the Energy for Human Rights teams
– Joint assessment at the end of the course
– Insertion in the work teams

(*) The activities will take place at the Attigliano Study and Reflection Park (TR).

Luciano Carrino , President of KIP, Vice-President of the OECD / DAC Group for the fight against poverty.
Alessandro Volterra , Associate Professor of History and Institutions of Africa and Contemporary Africa at the Department of Political Sciences – Roma Tre.
Marco Inglessis , President of Energy for Human Rights ONLUS
Edoardo Calizza , Vice-president of Energy for Human Rights ONLUS
Elisa Onorati , Energy for Human Rights ONLUS
Veronica Boggini , Energy for Human Rights ONLUS

 (to be filled in and sent to )

1 – 8 – 15 – 18 – 22 – 29 March
12 – 19 – 21/22 – 26 April
3 – 5/6 – 17 May

Association headquarters: via degli Equi 45 (Rome)
House of Participation: via dei Sabelli 88 / A (Rome)
Study and Reflection Park of Attigliano (TR)

Participants will be asked for a  contribution to expenses  and at the end of the course a  certificate of participation will be issued .
The event is co-financed by the 8 × 1000 fund of the Waldensian Church within the “Solidarity Energy” project.

Tel: 06 45429852 (Monday to Friday 16-20 hours)
Cell: 320 0519644

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