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News & AnnouncementsProjectsSenegal


By 30 September, 2017October 13th, 2020No Comments

Also this year Energy for Human Rights ONLUS will carry out some important projects thanks to the Otto per Mille Fund of the Waldensian Church.
The “Solidarity Energy” project will be carried out in Italy and aims to provide opportunities for discussion and dialogue aimed at promoting mutual solidarity and the convergence of often different cultures, identities and personal experiences.ย With these assumptions, the following activities will be organized: an Italian course for foreigners, with training aimed at the world of work;ย a newspaper of solidarity, with the idea of โ€‹โ€‹telling the solidarity side of the San Lorenzo district;ย a course of international solidarity and integration between peoples, during which participants will acquire concrete tools and specific skills to face the world of cooperation;ย a playful-didactic workshop for children, with the aim of addressing the themes of dialogue and solidarity between peoples,
In Senegal, the “Bandoulou restarts with Energy” project will be implemented, which involves: the renovation of the school building in the village of Bandoulou, in order to meet the growing demand for schooling;ย the creation of a sustainable garden, which offers school children adequate nutrition.

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