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Le scuole in India riaprono

By 15 Settembre, 2021Aprile 2nd, 2024No Comments

Un brevissimo riepilogo di quanto sta succedendo in India dopo quasi due anni di scuole chiuse a causa del covid. Ne parla Peter Raj, responsabile di AID INDIA:

After a long time the schools in Tamilnadu reopened on 01.09.2021. In the first stage, students of 9th to 12th standards attend school. School hours 9.30 to 3.30. Wearing mask and keeping distance are compulsory. Students should not be compelled to attend classes. Corona is decreasing. But not fully. Parent’s economic background is very bad. Meeting educational expenses of their children is a big difficulty now. Income of families is very less. Government’s support is not sufficient. Now Governments is planning to open classes for 6th to 8th standard children in the second stage. 3rd stage is opening classes for 1st to 5th standard children. Finally for the nursery children. But it depends on the situation. Schools are also suffering from lack of funds. This is the present situation in our province of Tamilnadu in India.

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