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A New High School in Keur Massar, Senegal

By 28 January, 2020July 15th, 2020No Comments

Ba beneem yoon!
On January 6, a rally was held with the mayor of Keur Massar, Mustapba Mbengue, at the town hall offices. In addition to us and the mayor, Abidine Guye (directeur de cabinet), Papa Sall (responsable technique), Oumar Khassimou Dia (referent and collaborator for Senegal) and the manager of the company Assane Paye with all his team were present.

The meeting went very well, there is great enthusiasm around the project and we all agree that high school can become a center of excellence and that it will open up to possible multicultural and multidisciplinary scenarios and exchanges.
The proposed site, Keur Massar Boune, currently has no facilities for accessing upper secondary education; Given the high expectations of the Senegalese government on the increase in the schooling rate expected for 2025, we will work with great energy to guarantee the right to education that has seen us at the forefront for years.

A general citizen assembly was scheduled on January 14th where all the subjects involved will present the project to the whole community directly on the intervention site. In addition to the local community, the Imam, neighborhood delegates and Senegalese TV will be invited and it will be a moment of great sharing and discussion that we believe is necessary for any transformation project within the city.

See you soon with new updates!
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