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GambiaSenegalStop Coronavirus Campaign

Let’s Stop the Coronavirus Together

By 29 March, 2020July 14th, 2020No Comments

Difficult to contain the diffusion where there is no water, where there is no money to buy a bar of soap, where you cannot afford half a liter of disinfectant, not to mention gloves and masks.
The virus knows no boundaries and made us understand how interconnected the different countries of the world are.

Inย Senegal and Gambiaย Energy for Human Rights has rapidly transformed the StopMalariaย campaignย intoย the StopCovid19 campaign.
Although the two states still have few contagions (142 Senegal and 3 Gambia – 29.03.2020), the risk is that there is an underestimation in the numbers:ย the continent has few laboratories to process swabsย ;ย on average there is one per capital.ย The spread of the virus, due to the country’s health and social conditions, can also degenerate in a very short time: in Africa there is a lack of intensive care (a few hundred beds for 1 billion inhabitants) and medical personnel, adequate measures, but above allย information is lackingamong the population.ย And that’s where we started.ย Using digital technologies, we are striving every day to reach as many families as possible to spread useful data and indications, disclosing the real dangers of the pandemic.ย But we would like to do more:ย buy and distribute for free masks, gloves, sanitizers, tanks to dispense running water and hand soap;ย all those tools that can protect and prevent the transmission of pathogens.
We need your help.ย Alone, with our availability, we are unable to support efforts.ย Who can, keep on giving;ย with little we can work miracles!


  • Take part in StopCoronavirus: the pandemic where there is no water.ย Aย fundraiserย has been launchedย on Facebookย for the local population and one of the three hospitals in Dakar, completely devoid of any tool for the protection of health personnel.ย The materials thus purchased (soap bars, bottles of varechina, pairs of gloves, masks, hand gel packs, tap bins) will be distributed in Senegal to Pikine, Keur Massar, Ndiadiane, Sossop, Tataguine and Bandoulou;ย in Gambia in the villages of Ballanghar, Genjie and Kauur.
  • Book your egg: even 13 euros are essential.ย For the past decade, during the Easter period, we have launched a self-financing campaign that serves to subsidize ongoing projects.ย Given the emergency,ย the entire solidarity egg collection of 2020ย will be donated to the “StopCoronavirus” campaign.ย By sending an email toย info@energiaperidirittiumani.itย , or by calling 339 262 8084 – Francesca will reply – you can order one or more chocolate, dark, white or milk eggs.ย With her you can agree on the quantity and delivery, which will be activated as soon as it is allowed by rules and decrees.
  • Become a spokesperson for an inalienable right: health for all.ย Share, turn, “make viral” (in this case, what is needed) the message.ย The more people we reach, the more effective the measures we can put in place to prevent disease will be.

Never before have we realized how connected we are.ย A microscopic infectious particle is making us understand the tight interdependence of each of us.ย Taking care of the other means taking care of yourself.ย Let’s all protect ourselves.

Our IBAN is:ย IT35S0501803200000011082344ย (Energy for Human Rights ONLUS – Banca Etica, Rome agency).ย You can make a liberal delivery by inserting in the subject “Donate Stop Coronavirus campaign”.


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